الأربعاء، 22 فبراير 2012

Speak up to be yourself

Have you ever been in a situation to choose?
Have you ever fought for y
our thoughts and paid the price?!

It's just a second to decide. Just a second to know who you are and a second is never a short time to choose between right and fallacious, between what you had learnt in a disgraceful society - that considers low voice as a better manner- and what you have to do as a human being.

I’ve been there; in that choice situation. I watched youth getting killed while our media was lying.

I chose my own way. I decided who I have to be with and I raised my voice to say it.

"Our media is lying. There is youth getting killed in Tahrir square."

It wasn't about politics. It wasn't even about this big lie hiding the real reason beyond shedding our blood.
It was about me.

When you live in your cravenness, your weakness and y
our succumbing to every mere reality you haven't dare to face it; you will find yourself like a leaf on a river. You don't know where you are going and you don't have a choice, just like the dead. But when that second comes, you have to decide to be either Dead or Alive.

Our revolution was that second. It was my chance to say "NO" to my de
It was a challenge and I had the dare to say it.

"He must leave."

It's very difficult to keep silence while others are killed. It's an infamy named wisdom.

During 18 days I was paying the price of what I said. My father attacked me, my brother mocked me and my mother said "shut your mouth up Loubna!

I was fighting alone. Even after my brother's friend got murder
ed on the 28th of January 2011 - Friday of Anger (Gom3et El-Ghadab)- my brother kept his silence. He kept his silence despite of his anger and sadness!

Silence is another crime. That is what I believe, even if protesting is a big mistake in others' point of view.
Silence is that man who is paid to open the door to let the killer enter.
Silence is another crime and we have to believe in this

Speak up to win your revolution.
Speak up to be yo